--Attention all. Posted by Zurkanaz Darkreaper. 6.14.2002 <1:44 AM EST>

Attention all! Please do not be alarmed by the lack of our guild anymore! (omg cani say that!). Due to "an exceeding amount of petitions against the guild," the head GM has deleted, disbanded, and defragmented our guild. But do not worry. Until we have restablished a new guild, we have the botb chat channel running. Type /join botb and then /1 to talk. We will soon be creating a new guild. I will let you know about it soon. Sorry for this problem, and yes it did agrivate me very much. bla bla bla, byebye

--More more more. Posted by Zurkanaz Darkreaper. 6.11.2002 <11:36 AM EST>

Ok all, Im ready to make more updates. I plan on creating more sections for your viewing please :). I will be updloading more screenshots on past guild raids in the Screenshots Section. I will also be adding lots of new scetions, like a guild artwork section. For example, you can check out a sample of my EverQuest art. Enjoy, and if anyone had any screenshots they would like on the site, just send them to me.

--Been a while. Posted by Zurkanaz Darkreaper. 6.10.2002 <9:23 PM EST>

Well everyone, Im back! After surgery (NO I DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT) and after some days of pure Everquest and recourperation, Im back! Heres the low down on news. We are all sorry for the loss of a once great guild member, Goiliant, who has moved onto another guild (RL friend, that bastard). But we do have many new members, and I welcome you all! Please be sure to register!

--More Updates. Posted by Zurkanaz Darkreaper. 6.03.2002 <7:43 PM EST>

Ok, the Register Section is fixed! Thank you all for reporting the problems, I did not realize I had forgotten a few classes and races from the choosable categories. My bad!! But also, thank you all for registering, Everyday I am getting more turn out. Its good to see the Members Section filling up.

I have finally finished all the links on our Brothers of the Blade guild site!! W00T W00T!! Gratz to me!! Hehe, I'm just joshin'ya! Though the pages are up, the Post News features are still underconstruction. Once I get the new CGI scripts in place and running, it will be all good! Enjoy the finished site, but be sure to expect many new features and updates!

--What, are you waiting? Posted by Zurkanaz Darkreaper. 6.02.2002 <8:23 PM EST>

Yeah yeah yeah, I know that the news links are still down. Its ok though, have you seen the Members Section, or the Register page, or the entire competion of the Screen shots Section, with all the raid pics and etc?? In my opinion the site is going good, and as soon as I finish with the News stuff, I will get to the Forums and IRC chat and that stuff.

The Register page has all the CGI up and working, so please register, and you will be placed on the Members page. Jeez! We have over 50 members but only around 20 or so registered, what's up with that?? Common! Register!! lol, I'm just kidding around, but please try to get your information up there ASAP. Thanks for your support.

--Nice Raid folks. Posted by Zurkanaz Darkreaper. 6.01.2002 <9:45 AM EST>
Hail botb for a successful raid on RunneyEye last night!! It was much fun for all, and after it was finish, the Elite group raffled out its looting's to the lower levels. Everyone walked away with something good last night.

In terms of our guild site, I am still working on creating the other pages. Most links are up now, but some still remain down. Also the CGI scripts are temperoraly back up so you can register for the members section. But I will be taking them down again soon to redesign them. Gratz once again to the guild for a great raid.

--Raid Tonight. Posted by Zurkanaz Darkreaper. 5.31.2002 <10:25 AM EST>
Attention All! There will be a raid tonight on the Citadel of RunneyEye. All members, please try to make it to the raid. We will be meeting in West Commanlands and then geting a port to Misty Thicket. We will then run to RunneyEye. For more information, please check the Raid Section. Thanks for your support, and happy huntin!

--Updates Updates. Posted by Zurkanaz Darkreaper. 5.29.2002 <5:15 PM EST>
Alrighty everyone, so for all is well with the new site. I am working on getting all the links up, and then will be adding much more content, such as forms, IRC chat, and much much more. If you would like to help in any way with the construction of the Brothers of the Blade guild site, just let me know. Send me a tell, Zurkanaz, or email me zmaster7@optonline.net. Thanks for your support, and happy huntin!

--News on Guild Site. Posted by Zurkanaz Darkreaper. 5.28.2002 <6:21 PM EST>
Hail botb!! Just so you all know, the links are currently DOWN. Please do not worry though for I will finish the updates soon. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy the new site!!!

--New Guild Site. Posted by Zurkanaz Darkreaper. 5.28.2002 <2:47 PM EST>
Greetings all! I have finally finished with the guild site!! I hope you enjoy the new layout and style. I have been working on it very hard lately, but it is still not finished. Most of the links may not work, for I will be adding more over time and trying to get everything to work. Check back soon for more updates. Enjoy.

The Brothers of the Blade


The Brothers of the Blade guild site is CopyRight © 2002 - Zurkanaz Darkreaper - zmaster7@optonline.net. EverQuest™ is a trademark of Sony Online and Verant. Remember that EverQuest™ is a constantly changing world, and any information found on this site regarding EverQuest™ is not constant and is liable to change. Please respect CopyRight laws. All image and web design CopyRight © 2002 - Zurkanaz Darkreaper.